Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why Are Gas Prices Climbing?

This article is due March 2nd.  
Read article and watch video clips is suggests and discuss why gas prices are climbing.  Why are they?  Discuss reasons the article and video's suggest.   How might this impact you and your family?  


AshleeT.5 said...

Gas prices are going up because the price of oil is increasing. The article thinks that we are still hurting from the economic crash but not so much. Maybe because more people are buying more cars that dont use gas or less of it is hurting the gas industries and they need a way to fix it.

bruh bruh 17 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elijah Profitt 4 said...

Remember the Keystone pipeline bill that the Republicans are pushing at a premium price ? This is the penalty for the present administration turning down their outrageous bid proposal.The present administration has concerns both legal and financial as to the offer being pushed. Would you take someone's first estimate, or would you consider what the competition might be offering. This gas hike has nothing to do with MidEast tension and everything to do with the oil baron's are holding our country hostage - hiking up the gas rate until the present administartion gives in. The Republicans want us to give in - The Republicans are forever looking out for themselves. It is the rich man's party and the rest of the country is not invited to share in the wealth.

Matt Sprinkles 4 said...

Prices are going up due to the price of oil is going up.
it was suggested that oil prices increasing and consumers buying more are causing prices to go up. it will effect my family simply because they all rely on cars to get around.

brittney4 said...

Placing blame is a cop-out. However, I researched to compare gas prices under both President Bush and Obama and here's what I found considering Bush's last four years and prices since Obama took office in Jan 2009. Bush ave: $2.96 per gallon, and Obama ave: $3.14 per gallon, an 18 cent difference. I also considered highs and lows. The highest and lowest gas prices under Bush: $4.35 high, $1.95 low; as for Obama: $4.19 high, and $2.04 low. This is not exact because Obama is still in office, but it's close enough to get an idea. So, if you have a car with a 16 gallon tank, under Bush's presidency, you paid $2.88 less to fill up, on average for his last four years in office.

Ray G 5 said...

Gas prices are going up because the price of oil is increasing. People are buying more cars that dont use gas or less of it is hurting the gas industries and they need a way to fix it.

KierraH5 said...

Gas prices go up because of price of oil increasing.when people buy more cars that need gas are less of hurting the industry of cars.

5TimothyGarrisonDestroyerOfWorlds said...

part of it has to do with all that middle easter drama I'm sure, that dude from Iran has loike, nuclear weapons and is cutting off oil for people. and I also think part of it is due to the fact that it's getting warmer so people are gonna be out and about more, so they'd be making more money if they increase the price of gas since people will be driving more.

matt woodward6 said...

Gas prices are rising because the price of oil is going up. I think there should be a cap that says they cant charge us more than 3 dollores

justin3 said...

gas prices are going up because the oil prices are going up. also since the seasons are going to be changing the way gas is made is different and more expensive.

Eric Eagle3 said...

gas prices are going up because the price of is is going up. I don't like this because i have to put gas into my car a about twice a week.

rashaan KURTZ said...

i personally think gas prices are climbing because the election is soon to come and usually around election time gas prices jump uop for some odd reason.

rashaan KURTZ said...

i personally think gas prices are climbing because the election is soon to come and usually around election time gas prices jump uop for some odd reason.

Grey3 said...

The reason why gas prices are going up is because oil is going up in price. Also, because the change of seasons... it is a different kind of gas than in the winter. It is more expensive to make. Also, with the economy as bad as it is they think they should raise the prices.

Christian Cunningham said...

Gas prices are climbing because the cost of oil is increasing, so the economy needs the money. Also i think gas is going up because i think people are traveling more and buying new cars and these people that are traveling more and buying all these new cars are willing to pay the price for gas because they have the money. but for the people that don't really travel and only has like one car and they use it to get themselves around , they are going to start to struggle when these gas prices continue to climb and people continue to travel.

Anonymous said...

Gas prices are going up because the prices of oil & the things that they put in it are increasing. Also because we, the people are willing to buy it no matter what the price is. This will affect my family because it is almost summer. You need gas to get from point A-Z. It will determine where families travel to this summer & if they are willing to pay the prices of gas that is expected to be $5.00 a gallon.

Tre Burress 6 said...

price of oil increasing which is making gas prices climb a whole lot. the make of the hybrids have caused gas prices to climb to because they dont use as much gas a regular car would.

Kayla Grewe3 said...

The gas prices are going up because the change in the oil and the price of it are rising. Gas is also going up because of the change in the season and that affects the cost because the gasoline is made different for the weather.

brandie said...

gas is going up because of oil. and I think it's because people are buying more cars that don't run on gas, and they raise the price to get a better profit. but I also think if we consumers cut down on oil and gas it would go down.

Joel Angelo B. said...

Gas prices are one of those few rather simple things that evade my understanding. They really baffle me. I almost can't say anything about them because I understand so little about them. I do know that gas is quite expensive and that if something isn't done about them, I'm going to be spending most of my paycheck on gas money when I graduate. My only advice is to get a bike. And if you can't do that; sorry.

ceee'cee5 said...

gas price is going up because people are driving more then usual.n when ever that happen people have to pay more cause the prices go up.

AngelaPursifull said...

Gas prices are going up due to the prices of oil increasing because its getting harder to obtain. Therefore the only way to even it out is to raise it, and the more people boycott it the more they will raise it to try to still maintain a slight profit.

Warmoth said...

gas prices aren't going to be declining anytime soon do to the price of oil. To avoid oversea companies from controlling the oil market,I believe the US needs to step up the pace on finding an alternative to source of fuel.

jgates5 said...

i personally think gas prices are climbing because the election is soon to come and usually around election time gas prices jump uop for some odd reason.

tbarker3 said...

The rising price of gas is inevitable. As long as we still need large quantities of oil gas will rise along with it. Complimentary. People could complain about prices all they want but complaints don't undo the needs of our nation and we use a lot of oil and gas alike.

Ambra3 said...

Gas prices are increasing because the price of oil is majorly increasing. And people are relying more on their cars to get places so when need goes up so do prices so they can make money on it. This really effects my family because we drive a lot to work and school, we are always on-the-go so gas prices have really effected us and our routines.

markfayne3 said...

Gas prices are going up due to the economy crashing last year. oil prices will still continue to rise due to the resources. also the summer prices will be outrageous because thats when the gas prices usually reaches it peak. the republican's blame Obama for the prices.

kenzelpatterson3 said...

The reason why gas prices are climbing is because people are driving everywhere instead of taking turns driving each other. The way this is bad for my family is we will have to pay more for a lot of thing now.

Salas7 said...

I think gas prices are going up because the price of oil is increasing a lot . so they need to raise the gas prices.

Ethan Mcfarland 4 said...

The gas prices are climbing because spring and summer are coming. This impacts me because im not going to be able to go ant where because gas is to expensive.

AthenaHiatt4 said...

Gas prices are climbing bc the price of oil is increasing and every company has to look out for themselves and raise the prices bc if they don't they won't be making any profit ans sooner or later they will go into debt. this will effect my family bc we always travel between Ohio and Indiana bc i hvae no family in Ohio.

Andre 5 said...

as the prices are going up, the prices of oil & the stuff that they put in it are increasing. Also because we, are willing to buy it no matter what the price is. This will affect my family because it is almost summer. You need gas to get from point A-Z. It will determine where families travel to this summer & if they are willing to pay the prices of gas that is expected to be $5.00 a gallon.

TaylorMc5 said...

Gas prices are getting more expensive because oil prices are going up. I personally think we should all use cars that use less gas. Or cars that run on something other than gas.

Anonymous said...

i think that the government is trying to take control of the people by raising cigerettes, gas, food, and other goods.This is the begining of the new world order.

JordanR5 said...

The gas prices are going up because the change in the oil and the price of it is rising. Gas is also going up because of the change in the season and that affects the cost because the gasoline is made different for the weather.

sloan.marie6 said...

Gas prices are going up because the price of oil is increasing. Ad when people buy gas at that higher prices it shows the companies that they can keep them high because people are willing to pay it reguardless.

Alizabeth J - 6 said...

Gas prices are going up because the prices of oil & the things that they put in it are increasing. Also because we, the people are willing to buy it no matter what the price is. This will affect my family because it is almost summer. You need gas to get from point A-Z. It will determine where families travel to this summer & if they are willing to pay the prices of gas that is expected to be $5.00 a gallon.

Alizabeth J - 6 said...


Alizabeth J - 6 said...


elizabeth martinez5 said...

Gas is very high now but its because we are losing the oil. It's increasing and because people are buying more cars.

Derrick Tre said...

- Price of gas depends on the price of oil. If oil goes up, then gas goes up. We need to start using our own gas. But then again, we could just buy gas from Mexico and get it cheaper.

Derrick Tre said...

- Price of gas depends on the price of oil. If oil goes up, then gas goes up. We need to start using our own gas. But then again, we could just buy gas from Mexico and get it cheaper.

yaskacruz3 said...

I think its just stupid that the gas prices are going up. i really think that they are only putting the prices up because now they make a car that runs with energy, so they decided to put up our prices so they can get more money off those who don't have a car that runs on energy.

Tyjuan3 said...

Gas prices are so high because of high rate in oil. Also because its a whole bunch of cars some people got more than 2. Which increases prices to go up.

Justinneil17 said...

Gas prices are rising because the price of Oil is sky rocketing. If enough people stopped buying gas for a while then there is a chance that the gas prices might drop.

Justinneil17 said...

Gas prices are rising because the price of Oil is sky rocketing. If enough people stopped buying gas for a while then there is a chance that the gas prices might drop.

manny armbruster 5 said...

Prices are going up due to the price of oil is going up.
it was suggested that oil prices increasing.Placing blame is a cop-out. However, I researched to compare gas prices under both President Bush and Obama and here's what I found considering Bush's last four years and prices since Obama took office in Jan 2009. Bush ave: $2.96 per gallon

manny armbruster 5 said...

Prices are going up due to the price of oil is going up.
it was suggested that oil prices increasing.Placing blame is a cop-out. However, I researched to compare gas prices under both President Bush and Obama and here's what I found considering Bush's last four years and prices since Obama took office in Jan 2009. Bush ave: $2.96 per gallon

shelby6 said...

Gas prices are raising because of the price of oil. I don't think any of it should be that high, nobody wants to spend that much on gas or could afford it. Gas prices are only gonna raise and less people will be driving

destiny5 said...

Gas prices are going up because the price of oil is increasing. People are buying more cars that dont use gas or less of it is hurting the gas industries and they need a way to fix it.