Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Do you agree that Facebook is an indicator of job performance?  Do you have Facebook?  Does this make you rethink what you are posting?  If you don't have Facebook, would  you consider signing up for Facebook knowing how future employers could use your site.

This article is due Friday, February 24th.


Justinneil17 said...

I think it is fine for a Employer to check out a Facebook account, but I think there is limitations on what they should be able to use one someone. Like if someone is grieving over the death of a loved one, that person might lose a job for being emotionally unstable.

Justinneil17 said...

I think it is fine for a Employer to check out a Facebook account, but I think there is limitations on what they should be able to use one someone. Like if someone is grieving over the death of a loved one, that person might lose a job for being emotionally unstable.

destiny5 said...

yeah, i think employers look at peoples Facebook's to see what kind of person they really are before they hire them. if they write a lot about violence and say things that are inappropriate then they will likely not be hired for the job.

manny armbruster 5 said...
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AshleeT.5 said...

I think that Facebook can be a job indicator performance because some bosses look at their future employees pages. Yes I have a Facebook but it don't make me reconsider what Im putting on there.

JasonSmith5 said...

I think personally it's ok for an employer to check someone's Facebook page. They should do it to see what kind of person they are and what kind of pictures they take and if they are inappropriate then they most likely won't be hired

JasonSmith5 said...

I think personally it's ok for an employer to check someone's Facebook page. They should do it to see what kind of person they are and what kind of pictures they take and if they are inappropriate then they most likely won't be hired

5TimothyGarrisonDestroyerOfWorlds said...
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Andre 5 said...

People who put stuff on facebook wait everybody to see it so yeah employers should check they need to watch what put on facebook because it's not their fault if they dont wanna hire you because what you put on facebook so i think its a good thing they check there facebook.

ceee'cee5 said...

i think an employer should be able to view there facebook--depending on the reasons facebook shouldnt be used for personal reasons but for work related issues.

manny armbruster 5 said...

I think it is fine for a Employer to check out a Facebook account,but that person can lose there job from what there employer finds on Facebook

jgates5 said...

yeah, i think employers look at peoples Facebook's to see what kind of person they really are before they hire them. to see what they write on facebook and if they put a lot of bad and studip things up there then they a more likely not to get the job they wanted or applied for.

5TimothyGarrisonDestroyerOfWorlds said...

facebook is a waste of time. I don't have one because it's pointless and all people ever do on there is start drama or try to get attention"lms for what I think of you" "smash or pass?" it's annoying. and also, I don't want The Man looking me up because facebook is legitimately monitered by the government because the information is right there so they don't even have to try hard if they're trying to find something out about somebody. it's understandable for a employer to check out someones facebook, because the person should know what to post and what not to post so if they don't get the job that's their own fault (although it shouldn't really matter what people do on their own time) just be careful.

KierraH5 said...

i think if a employer is to check out a Facebook account but if it's something personal you don't want them to see, there should be limitations.

TaylorMc5 said...

I don't think what you put on facebook indicates your job performance. I do think it can affect how employers perceive you and therefore affects whether or not you get hired or not. I don't really put anything too crazy on facebook so i'm not too concerned if people look at mine.

mickielittlejohn5 said...

I think it is fine for a employer to check out a facebook account, they need to see what kind of person they are by the information an pictures they are putting on their profiles.

JordanR5 said...

I think it is fine for a Employer to check out a Facebook account, but I think there is limitations on what they should be able to use one someone. Like if someone is grieving over the death of a loved one, that person might lose a job for being emotionally unstable.

Matt Sprinkles 4 said...

I do believe that facebook is an indicator of job performance, i do have a facebook and i never post anything on it.

Joel Angelo B. said...

Facebook is without a doubt one of the best ways to discover different things about a person. It could be a very valuable asset in interviewing a person for a job. With it, you could discover how a person acts around other people, what kinds of people that he or she might hang out with, how they talk; the list is endless. I can confidently say that if I had the authority, I would approve the usage of Facebook checks when interviewing a person.

Salas7 said...

Yes i do think facebook is a job indicator I think if your going to get hired for a big company or something they should be able to look at your facebook to make sure your a responsible person and your not like doing anything bad or anything . I do have a facebook but I don't put stuff that is innapropriate on their .

brittney4 said...

i think facebook could be a indicator in someone getting a job. yes, i have a facebook. i've always thought about what i'm posting as a status, comment or just in general on facebook and if it could effect me in the long run. if you don't post anything inappropriate then you should have nothing to worry about.

brandie said...

I think that it is fine for someone to check your Facebook to see wither your someone good employer for the job or not. also to see if your someone who won't slack off.depending on their stats, wall post and pitchers will depend if they get hired or not.

Anonymous said...

I do think that Facebook can be a job indicator. Some places which you are seeking employment will look at your social networking sites to determine if you are the right person to represent them. Not only jobs, but colleges too. This can even effect you from getting scholarships. I do have a Facebook but i watch what i say on there. I have family on there, so i wouldn't say anything inappropriate. I been knew that it could effect you.

Kayla Grewe3 said...

I think it's fine for an employer to check out someone's Facebook because nothing bad should be posted on the internet in the first place. But i think that there should only be certain things to use on people because of it and they shouldn't base all of their impressions off of a social network.

Eric Eagle3 said...

I think it's okay for an employer look at your facebook because you shouldn't be putting anything bad on your facebook.

tbarker3 said...

It's okay for employers to look at facebook for personalities and pictures and such to determine faithful employees. It's the fact that they might overstep their boundaries and start judging based on obscured observations like one angry post or anything that shouldn't be held against any certain individual. Same with race or religion or beliefs on a topic.

Anonymous said...

i think it is ok for an employer to look at your facebook. because your shouldnt be putting something on facebook that shouldnt be on there. i think its ok because when they look at your page and your post it tell the what kind of person they are hiring.

destinys3 said...

yes , i think it 's okay for an employer too look at an employees facebook especially if there in the interviewing stage , too see how the person really acts & too know if what the person said on there application is true or false .

Grey3 said...

I think it is alright for Companies to look at peoples facebook because there shouldn't be anything bad on there anyways. There is a limit though. You shouldn't judge them because you don't know what they are going through.

justin3 said...

i think that jobs shouldn't look at a persons facebook because i feel like that is invasion of privacy. what a person does while they are not at work should be no concern to the work place. if a person brings problems into work then i feel a work place could look at there facebook to try and figure out whats wrong. i have a facebook and i don't want a future employer to judge me from that so i think about what i say on facebook.

rashaan KURTZ said...

i think sometimes people dont reralize what they pout on the computer for everyone to see. Some jobs may look at your facebook without you knowing and see how you talk, and communicate, and if they feel like you arent the right fit for what they want because of your language you use they wont hire you..

Tyjuan3 said...

Yeah it's a good thing because employer's get to see what type of person you really are and what type of qualitys you have. And they can see what type of person you are.

yaskacruz3 said...

I think it wrong to look at people Facebook because it talk about their personal life and i find it being noise. People act different around other so show respect or to show that the don't play. I mean come on, how would you act in front of your mom and how would you act in front of your boss? I'm pretty sure not the same way.

yaskacruz3 said...

I think it wrong to look at people Facebook because it talk about their personal life and i find it being noise. People act different around other so show respect or to show that the don't play. I mean come on, how would you act in front of your mom and how would you act in front of your boss? I'm pretty sure not the same way.

kenzelpatterson3 said...

I think it is a great thing that employers check out what you are doing on facebook. I do have a facebook but I only post good things.

Ambra3 said...

I think that its alright for a boss to look at someone's facebook before they hire them because they need to see what kind of person they are outside of the work place to see how they act. No it doesn't make me reconsider my posts.

markfayne3 said...

I think its is fine that an employer checks out Facebook account, to see what type of person they are outside out work, and if it help or hurts their business out.

Austin Tribbey4 said...

If I Was To Hire Someone I Would Look At Their Facebook. I Mean If They Don't Have It Set To Where "Only Friends" Can See It Then Its Their Fault. And If Their Posting Pictures Of Them Getting Drug Or Making Out With Someone Then I Would Not Hire Them. Not Everyone Needs To Know What Your Doing. And I just Feel Like thats A bit Immature. And I Would Fire Them On The Spot When I Saw That.

Ethan Mcfarland 4 said...

I dont think it is an indicator because thats your personal life not your professional life. I do have a face and yes but i dont really post that much on there anyway.

AthenaHiatt4 said...

I think people completely take things out of context. it's not that big of a deal. it is your own choice to have a facebook or not and it is your own choice what you post on facebook. Yes an employer may check your facebook but why don't you just learn how to use your privacy settings and don't add anyone you may work with. it's not that hard. Employers have this right, there is nothing saying they can't look at something of yours that the rest of the world can. just be careful and don't post things you wouldn't like your grandma seeing. i have a facebook and i just don't post anything i wouldn't want anyone seeing.

daisy hoskins said...

i think its kind of wrong to judge someone based on there facebook whether they get a job or not. i dont beleive that what someone might say on a facebook can determine if they are hard working or a good enough employee.

Ray G 5 said...

I think it is fine for a Employer to check out a Facebook account. Facebook can be a job indicator performance because some bosses look at their future employees pages.

matt woodward6 said...

I think the have all the rights to see if you are a liability to there bussiness.

AngelaPursifull said...

I don't think facebook is a complete indicator of how one would perform on a job because in some cases online social networks is how one can "vent" however i could understand how an employer could use facebook to see, and i think she should be able to. It doesn't make me reconsider what i post because i wouldn't post something wrong on their in the first place.

Derrick Tre said...

It's Okay For Employers To Check Your Facebook. But As Long As People Don't Let Their Personal Life Affect Their Job Performance At Work, I Think They'll Be Fine With The Job.

AngeliqueT6 said...

I think it is good for Employers, But to a certain point like a Employer shouldn't be able to fire you for personal reason they see on Facebook, Unless they see that it is effect your work.

shelby6 said...

I think its okay for a job employer to look at your Facebook as long as you don't have nothing bad on there, which you shouldn't anyways. Sometimes people vent on Facebook and i don't think that should be held against them just as long as nothing inappropriate on there.

elizabeth martinez5 said...

i think its find for employers to check your facebook but theres a limit for it. managers shouldn't check everything like photos.

Warmoth said...

I am a constant user of facebook, and I don't care if a employer wants to waste his time creeping on me through Facebook. I have nothing to hide. although, I believe, it will affect the employment of many other undesirable employees.

sloan.marie6 said...

personally I don't have a problem with people checking my facebook because I don't post things that would make me seem un trustworthy/rude/not a hardworker etc. But I think it will keep alot of immature people out of the work force . It will also make people think twice on the information they are making public.I have no problem with this and I think it is a great idea.

Tre Burress 6 said...

i think its a good thing for mangers and business to check people facebook because you don't want the wrong kind of people working for you company. that would give the wrong impression for the company or business

kaitlyn marie said...

I think that managers looking at peoples Facebook is wrong on some levels. I get on Facebook to vent to my friends and stuff like that. I work at Wendys and my managers are now going to get on and look at all of their employers Facebook. Some people put stuff on there but they could just be in a bad mood but still a very good and well known person. I think it's 50/50 on managers looking at employers Facebook.

Anonymous said...

i dont think it is appropriate to have a nasty face book profile because if you have things on there like your status saying your having a party the person reading that would most likely not like a party person working for them.

Alizabeth J - 6 said...

-- some managers look at peoples facebook to see if they should hire this person or not ; i think this is wrong because they say keep your home life at home and your work life at work , ; i dont know to me its just a sense of confidentalluality

Christian Cunningham said...

I think that employers looking at someones Facebook , isn't a bad idea . They can figure out what kind of person you are. Nothing bad should be on Facebook anyway , such as pictures. This won't affect me cause i don't put anything on my Facebook all my things are good..