If i was a store owner I would do the same thing because if it makes me money. If thats the only thing to do to get people in the door i would do it. They start off by looking at the cheap stuff for someone else then they see the nice expensive stuff and they just have to have it. Thats a brilliant idea.
i think stores lead you to spend your money when yo go into stores the stuff in the stores most people like the stuff and they stores and will spend any amount of it to get it but thats how many people spend there money....
p.s thanks for reading this
i think stores makes u spend money because ever time u see something new or something u like u wil lake out some money or a credit card and start spending money like if was nothing stores could be trickie sometimes
i think stores makes u spend money because ever time u see something new or something u like u wil lake out some money or a credit card and start spending money like if was nothing stores could be trickie sometimes
i think stores makes u spend money because ever time u see something new or something u like u wil lake out some money or a credit card and start spending money like if was nothing stores could be trickie sometimes
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