Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oil Prices

Read this article and comment on why oil prices are climbing and give your opinion on the article.  This article is for February 28th


Shanell#5 said...

I do not understand why oil and gasoline is rising to such high prices. I really think w need to find alternatives for gas and oil because if it conyinues to rise it will become unaffordable for some people. I also do not understand why foreign contries are evacuating their employees. I think governments are hiding things about oil companies.

JessSinger5 said...

I believe oil and gasoline prices are rising because our country is so in debt, that why wouldn't the countries we purchase it from raise their prices? These countries know we will buy the oil from them, so they can put the price as high as they please.

LindseyxShartzer5 said...

I think that oil prices are rising because oil is becoming harder and harder to find. They are trying to find new places to find oil. And importing oil to the U.S. is beginning to cost more.

jonharbin5 said...

Oil prices are rising because of the violence and anarchy in the middle east. This will not stop us from purchasing oil because our society is far too dependent on oil. We will buy as much as we need to keep our economy going no matter the cost per barrel. I dont expect the price to fall anytime soon. the only way to stop the waste of so much money on oil is to find another cheaper energy source.

paigeH6 said...

Oil prices are going up because of our economy. The economy is not the best right now, and i think that's why a bunch of things have been going up lately. Everything is going up these days, Gas, Food, Oil. And i believe it's all because of our economy. We need to find a way to make our economy better.

BRee0501 said...

In my opinion the oil prices are rising so much because other countries see we're always going to buy oil at any price because we need it. We can't protest against it because we need it; so what can we really do? I think it's crazy and probably won't have a good outcome. Our country really needs to come up with another substitute for oil, because our need for it will probably increase itself.

jessicanolder6 said...

i think that we should have a back up plan for oil. I think since we dont already have this back up plan that they should start working on one & get one together. the more they wait to get a back up plan or the mpre they dont do anything about it, the prices of gas are going to keep going up & no pne is going to be able to afford it with the other bills they have to pay. I think that if our economy would find a way to get better everything would be ok.

donnie r6 said...

i honestly dont understand the gas and oil prices

HayleyLawson said...

I think oil prices are going up because they are trying to get rid of all the oil we have now, before using oil from other places like Alaska and stuff. Also we are in so much debt so they want to try to pay that off.

JBurley7 said...

The United States of America is too dependent on foreign oil. We are willing to pay any price for oil because we have no other source. The chaos in the Middle East isn't helping matters at all. When revolutions and protesting begins, the price of oil increases. The price of oil isn't going to decrease any time soon, unless we create another source of fuel.

Thomas said...

I think we need to do somethen to get the prices back down and i thought america had unlimited money so we shouldnt be in debt but we are but i really dont know why gas and oil are getting to outragous prices

Herrell, Daulton 7 said...

Well gas and oil prices are continually rising and then dropping and now their rising again...I mean its just starting to get ridiculous you know? I think people should start getting into finding other resources that wold work...Otherwise we are all going to start walking everywhere like in the olden days...I already walk everywhere but I'm a teenager and that's the way it's supposed to be but with how high the prices are going up people are going to stop buying so much gas and (this is just my opinion) but i think prices will eventually go back down because they'll realize they aren't making as much money as they were before...but i could be totally wrong and then sound totally stupid about everything I've said...that'll probably happen because my ideas are usually wrong...

RSnowden7 said...

I personally think that oil prices are increasing because the warfare affects how much oil they use for transportation. They depend too much on foreign countries' oil and it costs us even more money. I also think that the United States Of America should stop helping countries because they never help us when we are in trouble and it saves money that way. I really dread the next 5 years. Everyone thanks for reading and have a good day.

HaLARRYious7 said...

its all about us as a country being in debt and by raising gas prices it just might help pay off that debt. and thats why i think we always raise stuff.

DeanteTyreil said...

I feel oil prices are increasing dut to many countries having financial problems such as inflation or recessions. The countries that are coming out of the recessions are now having problems with in inflation so governments are increasing the prices on food and other goods due to the large amounts of money in circulation.

Dakotaw said...

I think the oil prices are increasing because we are in debt. I also think the prices are rising on oil because i think they are trying to get rid of the oil and make us spend more money. I think the gas prices are going to keep rising but hopefully it will go down.

rickythomas6 said...

i think that it is bad that the oil prices are going up, because that effects gas prices. i think that many people are going to stop using gas stuff and start useing electric stuff until the gas prices start to drop a little. when the economy gets better the cost should go down

SpenserC6th said...

I believe there are two reasons oil prices are going up. First our economy and how much debt our country is in. The second reason is scarcity. I think that oil is getting harder and harder to find. The harder it is to find, the more money it takes to find it for the oil companies. And the more the oil companies pay to find the oil the more the consumers pay to the those companies.

Dhestiney said...

I believe there are two reasons oil prices are going up. because that effects gas prices.

BRee0501 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alexx_Combss said...

Oil prices going up are something I've been predicting would happen. This effects most of all countries sense just about any regular vehicle requires gas and/or oil. I think the prices will continue to go up and up and up. Until we find another source of fuel, I believe we're about down on our oil resources.

AkersAkers7 said...

Oil prices are going up because oil supply is going down. But, I'm sure are more places we can find oil people are just too lazy to go and find out. So, thats why the oil prices are so high.

Shout out to Hayley Lawson for having a cool
Hello Kitty toy with bunny ears.
& for being OH SO COOL.

KevenC.pd7 said...

i think oil prices are going up cause its getting hard to find it other countries and also because we are in debt

Nate#6_2012 said...

i belive and fel tht gas prices are rising because it cost more to get it to the U.S and with tht long trip thats part of the reason its so much an they have to make a profit off it so they charge more

Rdejesus7 said...

Oil prices are rising because of the violence and anarchy in the middle east.The price of oil isn't going to decrease any time soon, unless we create another source of fuel.

JackieOpesky5 said...

Its crazy how much oil prices have increased. The Us needs to start spending the money that they would spend on oil, on finding alternative energy sources instead. However, Americans are not readily accepting these alternative sources. That issue needs to be absolved first.

mayah3 said...

i hate that oil prices have gon up because thats more money out of my pocket. but i seen something on the news yesterday that i thhink middle eastern has something going on bout oil so the oil that we have now , is oil so there making us as the people pay more for it and believe prices are gonna raise by memorial day.

KCreech7 said...

i think that oil prices rise because no countries like america and also because its scarce. but i think we should go to electric cars so that we dont have to worry about gas

Jeremy L 7 said...

i think that oil prices have gone up because its probably getting hard to find and because america might just be going broke ! america is running out of places to find my opinion.

KrystalC3 said...

I believe gas and oil prices are rising because our country is in debt. Its comical that gas is close to being 5 dollars. i think the effect on this will be less people driving. Soon enough people wont be able to afford gas and they will have to stop driving.

jacobg5 said...

if we have plenty of oil, so why would the prices have to raise? The oil shouldn't have to raise with everything else. People won't be able to afford it soon.

leahb3 said...

i feel like the gas prices are outrageous, we have oil and we have the people to work for them. i just dont understand why the gas prices have to be so high, maybe its the demand for gas? i have no idea. but its ridiculas.

Frankf3 said...

I think that oil is going up in price because its getting really really hard to find more oil in different places. Also now that we don't have much oil place its hard to make oil cheap.

KarieFoster5 said...

Oil prices are high because we refuse to use our own oil. There are places where there is so much oil that it is just seeping out of the earth. But no, because of the EPA we cant build refineries. I think that it is so ridiculous. We can hardly afford to go anywhere. We end up spending so much money on gas that could go towards food or something else important. We either need to man up and over rule the tree hugging liberals or find a cheaper source of energy.

jwilmot3 said...

i think the oil prices are going up because of other countries are having disasters and floods so there going to raise their prices to help get back on there feet then they will lower the prices but i dont think it will be anytime soon.

LaTina.6 said...

I think oil is going up because we are trying to stock up on all the resources that we have....I think once that get straighten out prices will fall back down to normal

S. Davis 3 said...

I think that its ridiculous how gas prices goes up every day, atleast by 10 cent. also i believe that are gas prices rising up so much because the u.s. are in so much debt.

MaxC3 said...

Americans are being hurt because we use so much oil and we dont produce or harvest any of are own. We reline so much on foreign countries for there oil it is hurting prices. America has many oil reserves that we dont use. These may help lower oil prices.

NIsom6 said...

All countries are being hurt by the conflict going on in libya i think we need to intervein because people are dieing for no reason and its causeing oil priceses for all countries to shoot up and its hurting the world economy

i_morgan6 said...

i think oil & gasoline prices are going to keep rising , if our country doesnt get out of all the debt that we are in . but they are getting really unaffordable , & people are having to give up things they want and need for gas to get from place to place . the gosoline and oil situation is going to further hurt the economy as well .

EJJunior3 said...

oil prices are steadily climbing because its a nonrenewable resource and countries are bumping up these prices. almost a $100 for a barrel. looking into the future they will continue to rise. its wise to find a alternative fuel