Saturday, January 15, 2011

What could cause the next Recession?

Read this article and post your comment for January 18th.  


leahb3 said...

i honestly think that we will be in this recession for ever. the job offers are limited, the money is slowly vanising. the reason why the economy is failing is because we owe money to china and we have to pay them back.. we will never get out of this reccession.

mayah3 said...

i think businesses are trying to be greedy and not hire the employees they need so they can get more money out of it. i dont think its fair because some people who's been working for companies very long get layoff , have big house, nice car and have to get all that takin away from them and they've worked so hard for it. And gas prices are trying to go up , for what? $3 dollars a gallon, its already bad enough if you have a car but a truck its just ten times bad.

jwilmot3 said...

i think we need to start getting troops out of iraq because the longer were over there the more money were going to spend.Also, we need to start finding a better place to get oil from thats closer and cheaper to get.

EJJunior3 said...

The recession has impacted a wide spread of the U.S. affecting jobs and oil companies. Prices are rising while pays are being deducted at many jobs. More and more Americans were found without jobs and some even evicted from their homes. Whether the U.S. is climbing out of the recession or jumping right back into one, America is expected to be prepared

Frankf3 said...

I think we will be in this reccession for ever because a lot of businesses are being greedy and don't wont to share money. This reccesion is bad because gas prices are going up an gas is coasting as much as a bill now.

AGibbs3 said...

I think businesses are trying to be greedy and not hire as many employees that they need because they want to get more money out of it. I don't think its fair to people that have worked for businesses for long times who get laid off that have big house nice cars. I mean how do they expect them to pay there bills get gas in there car. I mean its just stupid.

KrystalC3 said...

I feel that we are slowly getting ourselves back into a recession. When ever we think we're out we splurge out on money when we need to be investing it for the next recession. The recession effects a lot of people. Most people lose their homes and jobs. I believe everyone should have to invest money. There should be a law stating you must sit a certain amount aside just to protect you just in case we get into a recession. But I understand that , that will probably never happen because the government cant tell you how to spend your money and what to do with it.

2Cal said...

Well you know this recession thing been going on for a lil min. now an its been affecting alot of these businesses out here now a days such as getting greedy with money, cutting back hours, hiring less employees, letting employees go, an then you know some businesses even go out of business for good. Then you got gas prices which is a major. They go up like by the hour or day or week it seem. Too much of that an not enough of whats important.

jacobg5 said...

This recession will last for a while. Although Obama has opened a few jobs there is still more people desperate for getting jobs. So as long as there are not enough jobs out there, less homes will be bought due to the fact people are getting no money. It's not Obama's fault that there is not enough jobs. It's the past presidents who put this country in debt.

LindseyxShartzer5 said...

I think many things could cause another recession. If our country doesn't do something to try to pay off the debt we have it will only get worse. Businesses keep going bankrupt and banks have to bail them out. All of this is making our economy weak. More jobs need to be created so that our economy can grow stronger.

JessSinger5 said...

I believe that many things could cause the next recession. If our country does not pay off all some of our debt, things can only get worse. Businesses keep going bankrupt and banks are having to bail them out. Jobs are hard to find, and they will only become harder. People are losing their homes and becoming homeless. I think our country needs to stop spending money in other countries and start spending money here and saving it...

joshuat said...

they say that the economy is stable lie unemployment is frozen and the housing is not helping im pretty sure its going to crush the economy within a few years maybe less and the us is in debt a debt of 14 trillion dollars to be honest i think we are going to be stuck in this reccession for a long time

Hunter said...

this might be our next recession because people are buying houses and getting loans from banks and not having enough money to pay-off the loans and so there are many foreclosure signs on the houses. I think that people should save there money or don't buy the house.

ShayannD5 said...

the united states have been in debt since WW1, and then people like joe biden want to give 2,000,000 dollars to pakistan because they are in a war? however arent we also in a war? or does that just not matter anymore!

Shanell#5 said...

I don't feel that the recession is over. But many things can cause the next recession.Like our country being in debt and housing and jobs being at an all time low. If our country does not get out of debt or at least make an effort we will need to make more money to get out of debt and the value of the dollar will go down. I also think unemployment should be dropped because people are getting lazy like they don't have to try finding a job anymore because their getting money for doing absolutely nothing.If we do not fix these problems our next recession will come faster than we think.

AlyshaM5 said...

I think that the economy is probably very likely to go back in a recession because of all the national debt. We owe too much money to other countries. It doesn't help that businesses are not hiring even when they have the money to and people are losing there homes from being laid off or not being able to find a new job. I'm not sure i really believe the recession is over because I haven't noticed much of a change.

jonharbin5 said...

Another recession is definatley gonna happen. Even though businesses have made profits, unemployment is still up and there are sill areas that haven't improved and probably will not improve any time soon. Adding to the list of problems is the rise of the national debt which just broke over 14 trillion dollars and that will take decades to pay off. So yeah another recession is gonna happen.

gmcknight5 said...

national debt is the most likely to cause the next recession.I dont think that the recessions is over because its still affecting a lot people.Hopefully we can start seeing a change in jobs a things like that.

BRee0501 said...
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BRee0501 said...

I do think it's possible that we could face another recession. At the rate everything is failing at now it could even be soon. Like was said, housing is failing, oil prices are sky rocketing, and much more is going wrong. Unless it starts to slowly increase recession is on the way.

donnie r6 said...

i think that we will always be in a recession.we might get out of it some or it might ease up but alway be in a recession. i would love to be out of it and have prices going back down. ect gas food everything

rickythomas6 said...

i think that this recession could be over with and not get worst if the goverment some what try to fix it. if the goverment can somehow keep the oil prices down it can stop the recession from getting worst. if the nation get in big depth than we will stay in the recession for a while.

paigeH6 said...

i think if we keep going at this rate, we're totally going to have another recession. we need to figure out a way to avoid that from happening. we need to find a way to keep the prices down. every time you think it's going to get better. something else happens and prices are back up. we need to figure out how to make it go down and keep it there.

i_morgan6 said...

the thing thats really going to shrink the economy is the housing market . but there are other contenders to the next recession . national debt is a huge problem & definatley going to make the economy plummit . there is still plenty of unemployment , & businesses going bankrupt . the government doesn't have the money to pay off the debt , which will lead to another recession .

NIsom6 said...

i think what might cause us to have another recession is if buying slows back down and people will get scared to spend again and we might end up right back where we was when this recession started.

James H 6 said...

First off I believe that were still in a recession. That being said if we still haven't seen the worst of it at least we won't be shocked. As far as the professionals thoughts go we are on an uprise but some major factors are still keeping us in a scare. My opinion is nobody actually knows what the future will bring but everyone for sure should be prepared. Personally I think that we have seen the worst but hearing some of these opinions definitely makes me reconsider. All in all if we do our parts as individuals to help things than we can help prevent another recession or even a depression!!!

Young D 513 said...

I think they need to stop the war completely.. it would make alot of families happy and it would open up alot more job opportunities.. Also if people keep raising prices on everything, then most people will stop spending money and that will slow businesses down..

HaLARRYious7 said...
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Rdejesus7 said...
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Rdejesus7 said...
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Herrell, Daulton 7 said...

Well I think that we will be in this recession for a while even though I wish we wouldn't be. Jobs are so hard to get for teenagers and adults. Teenagers need jobs because that teaches them more responsibility than most things you can get through-out your teenage life. But this recession has not changed the life of the average person or household. Though, with that being said, I still feel that we are going to slowly pull out of this because we are America and that just what we do!!!

HaLARRYious7 said...

I dont see this recession ever stopping. The big companies and businesses are being stinjy and greedy. They wont share money, or loan it to other businesses that need them. Seriously, the gas prices are only rising everyday, and if they do drop they only drop like 4 cents. We can honestly blame the government because we dont have the money to pay off all the debts as a nation, so this will only lead to another recession, in the future.

Rdejesus7 said...

I think Now the houses cost alot of money to buy one with this economic...We don't got 150,000 or 200,000 Dollars To buy one Right now. We don't have that.They have to do something about it

AkersAkers7 said...
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KCreech7 said...

i think that we will face another recession because although things are showin progress there are still many people out of jobs which means they will not be able to pay for their home which means they will face forclosure. so unless people start getting their jobs back i think we will soon face another recession.

AkersAkers7 said...

Recession. Ha. How about them gas price's? Oh, and the unemployment rate. Unemployment equals less money for people to spend on things they need, therefor there will be less money to flow in the economy. Oh, by the way Gucci said burr.

LHappy7 said...

We are always going to be in a recession its human nature. we are greedy with our money especially when we dont have enough to make the world go round

RSnowden7 said...

I think this is a really good article. It is about businesses are making money again and could stand to hire again after a long period of layoffs, but for months now many of these companies have sat on record amounts of cash and chosen not to bring on new employees. As a result, the unemployment level remains frozen near 10% and some predict it may get even higher this year. And yes, the housing market may be sorting itself out, but by some estimates, there are still 10 million or more homes in danger of foreclosure, which means we still may not have seen the worst of the housing crash. I really like this article. I will be glad when the economy gets way better and back to normal.

JBurley7 said...

i believe that the recession is at its beginning. we owe so much and are in debt to foreign countries is ridiculous. i think that other countries are going to retaliate and not let us borrow any more money because we owe so much. we are already on bad terms with iran so oil is going to be scarce or way more expensive than it was.

Alexx_Combss said...

Though it's been a year and a half since the last recession, I can bet that we'll be in another one in the next year. In fact, I think a lot of major things will be happening in the next year. Prices, I believe, will be the at their highest point in 2011. And it could deffinatly get bad for people. There will always be industrial super powers in the world and they will always go up and down with their sales. The companies that own the things that we use everyday control our prices and how things work with them. I really hope the U.S. wakes up and realizes what they're doing to themselves.

HayleyLawson said...

I think we will always be in Recession because of national debt. Plus the economy is already bad enough, people don't have jobs, which means they don't have enough money to pay for gas, or anything for that matter. If we take out our troops now, it could help us. The longer we stay in war, the more money we're going to waste, which means everything will go up, and people will end up not being able to afford anything, which is going to make america end up dieing...

MaxC3 said...

I think that just because were climbing out of a recession doesent mean that finding jobs will become more easy.People think it is because of the national dept. But what people dont realize is that the U.S has been in national dept since world war 2. I dont think that is the reason why gas prices,and the job market is so bad. I think that are nations leaders just need to get stuff sorted out.

SpenserC6th said...

I think the US needs to start making more of our own products. Rather than buying a lot of our materials from China. By doing so it would provide more jobs for our citizens instead of outsourcing to other countries to provide the same service.

jessicanolder6 said...

i think that to many people are trying too buy houses & are getting to many loans from the bank when they don't have the money right away too pay it off. And if people don't start to find better jobs, we will face another ressesion

KarieFoster5 said...

Our government doesnt thing before spending money, we are spending soo much that we DONT have. I recession is in our future very very soon.

dadkins said...

I dont think we are spending our money wisely. Business's are going bankrupt, gas prices just keep rising, and the war is putting us farther and farther in debt.

KevenC.pd7 said...

i think we will be in this recession for a long time because our government keeps spending money that they do not have.

Thomas said...

Our government is spending money all the time and we are getting in dept because of that and people do not have jobs and nobody can get one cause we dont have enough money.We will stay in a recession forever because we are spending money we don't have.

Dakotaw said...

I think we will be in a recession again because the government spends money on the wrong things. The gas prices will keep going up and it will be hard to get a job. I think we should get out of war so maybe it could open some jobs up.

DeanteTyreil said...

I personally feel that the recession is not over. But if it is over we are slowly coming out of it. But i think with the right decisions being made for our economy we can avoid and prevent another recession from happening and make our situation more efficient

Jesse C. 5 said...

Our debt defisit will never end. Our debt to China is so immense it could never be paid off. Our ressecion even once ended will just begin again due to the fact that China will return for their debt. We are forever be in debt.

alexclark*5 said...

gas prices

Nate#6_2012 said...

i think that we will go back into a recession because the government keeps spending unnecessary money on war materials.And also we will go into another one because some of the people that work for the government they are pocketing our tax money.

LaTina.6 said...

I think the next thing that will cause it will be gas prices and people....because everyone is trying to live beyond their means ....Everyone want to have the really nice exspensive clothes and cars...they are living beyond their income....There are more people in debt because of maxing out credit cards

trobinson said...

things like being in debt or being in a resesion all come in waves over time we wil have our highs and lows and its something that will just happen for the rest of our lives

S. Davis 3 said...

My opinion about this article is that people need to stop getting loans to buy many expensive items that they know in a long run that their still not going to be able to pay the bank back for it. such as getting loans to buy a house thats alot of money to pay back especially if you know you really cant afford it. Or renting things by the month and you know you cant afford to pay every month.

JackieOpesky5 said...

Instead of just talking about this recession, we need to do something about it. The government needs to help create new jobs and increase current job security. Need for things is increasing but income is decreasing. Something needs to be done about this.

Charliehaddix6 said...

the road to recovery will be a long one. we may have survived this one but did we really think the effects will be seen immediately? its not like it's going to happen over night. it will take maybe 6 months to a year before we can stand tall again. the worst maybe over but if we don't keep up the work we will fall harder than we ever have and we might not come up from this one.

Dakin said...

the country is obviously in a recession due to the major debt crisis. the government is spending to much on the troops and deffantly way to much on oil and gasoline. lowering costs on either of those would help dramatically