Read this article and discuss why they believe credit cards are on their way out. What do they believe will replace them and how do you feel about this. This article will count for January 24th, however, since we had snow days the actual due date will be January 21st.
the credit card will possibly vanish in a year or two and the digital payments will take over yeah and in my opinion its better why go to the place and use a piece of plastic when u can use ur phone on the other hand it will suck for people who dont have cels.....thats why the card is going to stay a litle bit longer.
In my opinion the idea of using a cell phone to make a payment seems very odd. Although, I don't believe in using credit cards, I feel that it might be easier in some ways, but harder in others. For all the people that are not technologically advanced, they might have some trouble. But in other ways this might be better than credit cards.
I think that as this idea may be very convenient for some, it will also be very inconvenient for other.
This idea is very very strange to me and honestly I dont think that i would ever do it. I wouldnt trust it at all.
Im not sure why but it just seems very very strange and as if it would be very easy for someone to hack.
When you read books like Fahrenheit 451 it makes you very aware of the scary possiblities of technology.
While it can makes like much much easier, it can also become very very controling.
I think using your cell phone to make payments instead of credit cards might happen, but it'll take a really long time because not many people even know how to use cell phones, or can afford them. and not everyone uses a credit card. Some people still use just cash. Also, i don't think its a very good idea to start using phones as something that has all your information and money on it because what happens when you loose it? Everything is gone. Its just the same as someone stealing your purse. but someone is more likely to take a cell phone then a purse.
In this article they discuss how mobile banking can eliminate credit cards and even the use of wallets completly. I think this is a good idea but also a bad one because like stated in this article this could cause security issues because phones are so often lost. But this is a good idea because mobile payments is one step closer to an unbelievable future.
I think the idea of eliminating credit cards for mobile phones is beyond risky. People misplace their cell phones a lot more than their credit cards already. I cant imagine how much theft would increase if every cell phone had the ability to be used as a credit card. I dont support this theory at all.
credit cards are going out of style like a some fashion trends . its way to much of a hassel to look for your credit card when you can easily pull out your cell phone & pay at a register . but this could purpose a problem because cell phones are often lost . but everyone doesnt have a cell phone that can do this , so i think that credit cards shouls be kept around for saftey purposes , & because everyone doesnt have phones that can do this .
i think if the people don't have cell phones that they should still be able to use credit cards, because some people cant afford them, and some people that do don't have the "smart phones" like the some other people. if this did happen i think it would benefit some people but in other cases i think if they when only to credit card usage on phones then i doubt it would work because like i said not many people have phones.
The fact that pretty soon people are going to be able to pay for items and goods just by a mere bump of their cell phone shows the upcoming of advance and high tech technology. Even lending people money by bumping your phones together is mind blowing to many people. But on the other hand people will learn how to get around security and other things to hack onto a persons account on their phones or even accidently bumping other phones and accepting transactions without any clue. So new techs have its up and downs.
I think if people don't have cell phones then it would be point less to have that credit card thing on your phone. Most people cant afford credit cards just the way they come i mean honestly do you think they are going to be able to afford it on there phone? I mean alot of people can't even use cell phones cause of how high tech phones are getting. I mean they are getting to hard to use because of all the technology on them now days and how you can up grade phones the way you can i mean its crazy. just think a credit card on a phone is not a good idea.
in my opinon the idea is pretty strange and just way too risky within seconds you could lose everything.i cant find myself supporting or doing it.and it just gives people more of a reason to rely and live off their phone. people constantly drop their phones,misplace them or without noticing called,got on the internet,etc.i could see myabe for some people being able to whip out your phone than a card would be easier,but its just too big of a jump to completely get rid of it
I think people shouldn't use credit cards because it put people in a deep hole that they can't get out of because they would people so much money. I think the best way to keep your money organized in a good way is to get a checking card for you can only spend money on the card that you have an not go over the limit of money you don't have.
i think the credit cards will stay for about two or three more years but then they will find something else too replace them.. everyone goes over their balance & get in serious debt so i think when they get rid of credit cards it will make debt go down possibly.
I am pretty religious and i know about this subject called the rapture. So the idea of technology advancing this much kinda just proves the idea more and more. Part of it scares me yet part of it doesn't. however i do believe technology is advancing way to much for our own good.
i think that some people will improve and start using technology to pay bill an ect. .Not all people can afford to have the advance technology such as cell phones like iphone.
i think tht using your phone as i credit card insed of an actual card is a great idea.Because if you lose your debt card all people have to do is scan it an they get to buy what ever they want to.But if your phone had the credit card on there if you lose it then yu can just go on the computer an track it..and as far as it goes with old people trying to work smart-phones they should just stay with there check books
I disagree with the elimination of credit cards. I also disagree with using cell phones as a replacement. I'm comfortable with the idea of having a card that I can cancel if needed. To me, having too much information on a cell phone seems risky.
i dont want to use a cell phone for a credit card i woulld rather use a credit card so i think they will be around for alot longer
Yes i do think the mobile credit cards might be a good idea, but only to a certain extent. I think it might make life a little easier but its not a big deal to pull a card out of your wallet. This advance in technology might be very dangerous at the same time. People lose they're cards everyday yes, but you can cancel them and get a new one very easy. If you lose your phone you have to 1 cut your service off, 2 get a new phone, and 3 cancel your mobile card. Also another bad factor would be that you have no money.. So i feel this would be a great risk. And they're saying you could also put your license and other important information on there that just sounds like a huge mistake to me.
i think this is a very weird but clever idea. i think it would be much easier to use your phone to pay. i know a lot of people who lose their credit cards and i think if they pay by their phone then they wouldn't lose it. the only problem is, what happens if you break your phone? you won't have a phone to pay for things. i do think it would be much easier though.
I think credit cards are crazy. Some people use them too much and it gets them in trouble, and stuck. But the thought of using your cell phone to pay bills instead of credit cards, is reasonable. Because technology is only advancing every day. So i guess i would be okay using my phone rather than using my credit card. But i dont have a credit card so im not worried. It would make it easier to use the cell phone just because its handy and always there, so it could make it more reliable and easy for alot of lazy people.
I really like this article because it is unique. It talks about use of your iPhone, Droid or BlackBerry to buy a hotdog at the ballgame, buy your Starbucks latté, or give a friend a few bucks by Bumping phones. But by the end of the year you may not even think twice about reaching for your phone to pay at the register instead of fumbling for your credit card. I really agree with everyone else that thinks this is weird. I cannot imagine what will come in just the next 5 years, forget 50 or 60 years...
Well I think it could be a useful thing to have to be able to use our phones for payments. But also that makes it easier for the technical criminals to hack stolen phones, because phones get stolen all the time, to steal identity's and peoples money. But it would be more convenient to pay with our phone. So I think it will definitely happen, because technology is starting to rule our world!!!!!!!!!
Technology is advancing more and more everyday. I think technology will eventually take over because we depend on it too much. I don't use credit cards but some day i will. I guess it'll be more easier to use a cellular phone than a credit card because you will always have it right there with you. But not a lot of people know how to use cell phones or can afford them, so credit cards will still be around for a while.
i think that its neat that phones can do so much and i think that if they can get rid of credit cards they should that way everything can be done much more easier.and that would also help phone companies out a lot.
what i think about making payments on cell phones is a good idea because it will make things easier and faster. the only things thats wrong is that some people are not good with technology .
I think this is a good but bad idea: Its good because you wouldn't have to carry all your things wit you in your wallet like your license,ID,credit cards and all of that.So you would just carry your phone and you wouldn't have to worry about forgetting anything, and you would feel lighter cause you don't have all that stuff in your pocket.
It is bad because some people may not have a black berry, iphone, or a droid and if you lose your phone what are you suppose to do.
It goes both ways.
i think that being able to purchase things with your phone is a great technological invention,but i do not think the us is ready for it. do you know how easy it is to steal some ones money that way. all you have to do is take some ones phone go to the nearest ATM clean out there money and toss the phone. like i said i don't think our law enforcement is ready for something that big.
well i think that using your phone is a good idea because almost everyone in america has a cell phone. its kind of crazy how much cell phones can do because they are so hi tech now n u can do so cards wouldn't hurt any i don't see they reason for getting rid of them but we cant stop what the president do so we can just only hope 4 the best
I think that making payments for everday items is ridiculous. Peoole constantly misplace their phones or phones are constantly being stolen. I think the paymentmethod should stay as it is that way it is easier on everyone. Because a lot of people that are older dont know how to use smartphones and other various forms of new technology. I dont support this idea at all.
I feel that using cell phones instead of credit cards is a very good idea. Identity theft wouldn't be as big an issue with phones either because a cell phone's location can be tracked. Also, cell phones are becoming the new computer as technology advances.
I think that replacing credit cards is a good idea for younger people because we never put our phones down. Adults don't pay attention to their phones just as much as teenagers. This can be a good or bad thing depending on your age.
personally i feel that the use of cell phones instead of credit cards is a strong suggestion. but its only good for the youth of our nation. the older or elderly will have trouble adapting to the new uses os these technology.
Replacing cell phones with credit cards might seem like a good idea but when your dealing with technology you can run into some trouble. People are better at keeping track of there credit cards it seems then they are there cell phones. I don't like this idea, it gives cell phone providers to much power.
I am actually okay with the fact that credit cards are being replaced with cellular devices. Me personally, I am against credit cards. Who would want a credit card when there are major risks of you being in debt because of them. But on the other hand everyone does not have a cell phone. But if it was up to me I think they should ban credits COMPLETELY. Because if you are in debt you can lose your home and other personal things that is close to you.
I think cell phones replacing credit cards are a good idea but some people might have a hard time getting a cell phone that can do that stuff. Some people might not be able to afford cell phones and it might be easier to use credit cards. If you have a credit card you might get in dept and lose a lot of money so using a cell phone is probably a better idea if people can afford it.
They believe that credit cards will be no longer used because of new technology in our cell phone. Im not really sure it will be a good idea because i would think that it would make it easier for people to steal your credit information and there would be more identity theft
I think it is very wrong that we would use phones and do away with credit cards. Not everyone has a cell, and not everybody with phones would be technilogically advanced enough to use this form of payment. Also, I see this as the next step to hand inserted credit cards, a sign of the anti- christ.
any way that we can make spending money easier will also make it easier to put people in debt
I think it's ridiculous that people are starting to use their cell phones to pay bills or make payments...i mean there is so much that can go wrong people could hack into it and still your jus to much of a risk that i wouldn't be willing to take....It may be convient but not that convient for me
First off i believe that the idea about the phone is bad. Reason being is that the cell phone is used and or lost much more than credit cards. Plus it seems like the insurance on credit cards is much better than for cell phones. It's already scary to think of how many people steal as it is but the theft for cell phones will be much higher. One thing i do like about whole pay by phone idea is that you can actually see what your spending towards your accounts as apposed to getting carried away by shopping with credit cards.
I think this way will be easier for everyone. have you ever watched someone fumble for a credit card out of their wallet or purse its painful. yeah sure they can loose the phone but they can loose their wallet just as easy. i keep track of my phone at all times. the fact that the world is going digital scares me, i don't think we're not ready
i think making payment on a cell phone is dumb. I couldn't make myself trust that the payment was made. I dont like using my credit card to make payments, let alone my cell phone.
In my opinion you can acess to the internet to mke a payment from your cell phone so you dont want go to the store to make the payment so that the cellphones do you can do everything you wanna from your cellphone thats my opinion
My opinion about this article is that some people think it's easier to go in the store and pay their phone bill with a credit car.. such as older people that don't even know how to use the internet on there cell phones.
I feel like America is getting lazier and lazier everyday. It crazy how people would rather just do everything by technology.The cell phone is all ready distracting as it is.
i think it is possible for there to one day without the use of credit cards, but not anytime soon. as like any other business a credit card company is still making money and i dont see them going away anytime soon. paying bills using a phone may be a quick and easier process but not everybody has the use for them.
In my opinion you can acess to the internet to mke a payment from your cell phone so you dont want go to the store to make the payment so that the cellphones do you can do everything you wanna from your cellphone thats my opinion
Uhhhhhh what if you lose your phone? Then they have all your money and they will go on a shopping spree. Nuff said. So thats a dumb idea.
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